COVID-19 Is Still Here, But So Are We

Challenging times bring out the best in people and it truly shows the importance of always pulling together as a team. You may be part of a team at work with your colleagues, at home with your [...]

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The Healing Power of Clinical Travel

When a patient enrolls in a clinical trial, the hope is that they will receive relief from whatever medical condition affects their quality of life. The success of treatments involved in these [...]

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Colpitts and Partners Take on COVID-19

In the travel industry, there are always new challenges to address. COVID-19 may be the biggest we have faced, but together with our partners, we are taking on the challenge. Many of our vendor [...]

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Pack your patience

We work hard throughout the year and dream of that vacation – maybe to a fun-filled theme park or a picturesque cruise. We get our luggage ready and start packing, making sure everything [...]

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