Seeing Colpitts From The Other Side (Of The Pond)

We talk a lot about the benefits of being a travel company with a global presence. Colpitts has headquarters in North America, Canada, and Europe, and we have countless connections to local vendors in many different corners of the world. In clinical travel, it is particularly helpful to be able to call or email one of our colleagues in Europe just to get ideas on how we can best prepare patients for their travel if it is overseas. It’s helpful to be aware of cultural and societal differences if you’re involved in a long-term trial and will be living away from home for an extended time. Sometimes it’s even just helpful to get suggestions on what power adapter to bring for our UK travel!

Though most of our communication with our UK team in Edinburgh, Scotland is virtual, I recently had the opportunity to meet many of them in person. While most people go to Edinburgh to have days filled with visiting the classic tourist sites, I most recently went to Edinburgh in late November for the wedding of a friend. It was oddly enough not the first trip I had to Edinburgh this year for a wedding, but it was the first one that was long enough for me to find some time to visit the Edinburgh office.

I stopped by the office for lunch with the UK Clinical Team and quickly felt right at home. It was particularly nice to meet the other reservations agents Allan and Michelle! The plan during lunch was to chat about work-related topics, as we normally do from our respective offices, but we thought that while we have the chance to get to know each other in person we should focus on more about fun things like the Edinburgh Christmas Market. I was also lucky enough to briefly meet some Corporate and Groups agents.

It was truly lovely to see what Colpitts Clinical is like in our sister office. The UK team is quickly growing, so I hear new names every day. Meeting them in person has made it feel like we are all truly one collaborative team, and I will continue to use them as a resource while working with clients in the future – or maybe just to call them to chat. The next time I find myself in Edinburgh, I intend to stop by again for sure!


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