Lost, But Not Alone

Traveling requires some practice before a person feels comfortable planning, packing, navigating airports, and making their way around new places. All of this can be stressful even for the experienced traveler. Colpitts’ Clinical Team knows that the best way to ease patients’ minds about their upcoming travel is to help them feel more prepared. Colpitts provides extra guidance to help walk patients through the steps of what to expect, especially for first-time travelers trying to juggle the requirements of trial participation with the desire to make the most out of their time away.

We know that preparation is one of the keys to success, but sometimes things don’t always go as planned. In these cases, travelers can rest assured that Colpitts’ helpful assistance does not stop after the preparation phase.

In one case, a family who was temporarily relocated to the west coast for a clinical trial decided to explore the area. At one point, they found themselves lost with no access to public transportation or taxis. Thankfully they knew that Colpitts Clinical has 24/7 phone support, so the team was quickly able to make arrangements to get the family back to their accommodations safely.

People are not the only things that get lost, though. Colpitts is known to help track down lost luggage or items left behind in a hotel or car. It may seem like a small task, but it can make all the difference when a new traveler just needs a little help.

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