Leveraging A Global Network to Exceed Patient Expectations

Sometimes it truly takes a village to ensure the clinical trial patients can successfully complete their treatment. At Colpitts Clinical, our “village” extends all the way around the globe. When our travel coordinators recently found out that a Spanish patient had reported a flare up, they knew the clock would be ticking on how long the patient would have to travel to their next appointment within the 7-day timeframe required for treatment and evaluation.

To further complicate the travel logistics, the patient lived in a very remote part of the country and did not speak English, so our travel coordinators had to quickly find a way to communicate that the only flight departing from Madrid that would get the patient to the appointment on time was leaving that evening. Travel coordinators enlisted the help of an interpreter to speak with the patient’s family, but it was still unclear where the patient would need to be picked up by the sedan service that would transfer them to the airport.

We scoured our local contacts for a sedan transport provider fluent in Spanish. The driver reached out directly to the patient to arrange a meeting spot halfway between the patient’s home and the airport in order to make the last-minute flight.

This is a perfect example of how a global network of preferred partners can make all the difference in getting a patient to such a critical appointment. We at Colpitts Clinical are thankful for the incredible support from a trusted vendor that helped us solve a high-pressure situation with great success.

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