Colpitts Goes Beyond Travel

Colpitts has become a recognized name in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries as a specialist in clinical trial travel. Many sponsors and site coordinators – over 700 of them – have worked with us to coordinate travel logistics ranging from standard airfare to air ambulance transport and long-term, accessible housing accommodations. However, many people are surprised by just how wide the scope of our services extends.

Colpitts provides much more than “just” travel services.

Throughout the past couple decades working in clinical trial travel, we have come to know and work with many niche service providers who are often able to help fill the gaps for trial patients who have highly specific needs or medical requirements. Colpitts provides much more than “just” travel services.

As an example, we recently assisted a patient who needed fertility treatments. We were able to assist the patient in obtaining coverage for her bills related to the treatments. Providing coverage for services that are a result of last-minute or unforeseen needs is not uncommon. We also recently coordinated care for a patient who did not have an at-home caregiver and set up direct billing.

Looking outside of traditional travel logistics to assist patients

Navigating the process of obtaining an international medical visa for travel can be daunting, but we already have a contractor in place who specializes in immigration. We can contract with one of our handpicked service providers around the globe for nearly any patient need. Our goal is to make the overall experience of participating in a clinical trial seamless, even if that means looking outside of traditional travel logistics to best assist the patient.


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