Colpitts Clinical Celebrates Clinical Trials Day

Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the globe each May to recognize the day that James Lind started what is often considered the first randomized clinical trial aboard a ship on May 20, 1747.  Here at Colpitts Clinical, we are taking this opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication that our entire team contributes to the advancement of clinical studies.  While our team may not be advancing scientific discoveries in a lab, or measuring the effects of citrus fruit on sailors suffering from Scurvy as Lind had over 250 years ago, we realize the value and impact that easing the burden to trial participation has for study subjects.


According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are over 7,000 rare diseases affecting between 25 and 30 million Americans, which is nearly 1 in 10. We are proud to partner with dozens of trial sponsors and CRO’s to more effectively manage logistics for patient travel and expenses in over 70 countries, spanning more than 500 clinical trials.  As you might imagine, our team dedicates all of their time at work (and often times after hours) to provide a personalized experience to each of the trial patients who we work with to ensure they have a safe and seamless experience from their home to their trial site and return.  Through this work, we have gained a uniquely empathetic understanding for the tribulations that these patients and their families experience, and have the utmost respect for the work that all professionals in the clinical trials industry has on this population.


From our team here at Colpitts Clinical, to all clinical research professionals, we sincerely thank you for your hard work and dedicated to improving the lives of all clinical trial participants.


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