Clinical Patients and Colpitts Coordinators: The Bond We Share

Patients and their families are at the center of every working day for the Colpitts Clinical Team. From arranging expense reimbursements, to booking rail tickets, to confirming an Air Ambulance, it’s all in a day’s work for our highly skilled and professional team of Clinical Trial Travel Coordinators. As we get to know the patients and their specific needs, we also build up a rapport, a special relationship, with the patients and their families, which can last for the duration of the trial.

With patients across the globe, language can sometimes be a barrier to building trust and understanding between the patients and Colpitts. However, our committed team always manages to overcome this and other obstacles, with the end result being an easy, two-way dialogue to ensure that everything requested is delivered, and more!

Each patient has unique needs

Colpitts works with many clinical trials and patients, so observers could be forgiven for thinking that we see these patients only as numbers. We know that every single patient and their family has unique needs, and as such each one is handled differently, with understanding, empathy and care.

Due to the nature of clinical trials, there are always going to be last-minute changes in patients’ travel requirements, which is something that we at Colpitts have become well-accustomed to and are prepared to be flexible and creative in addressing any needs that do arise.

Clinical trials can, in the best cases, offer the patients much needed relief from illness. Receiving news from a patient that they are feeling better is the best reward for our team, especially the team member who has been assisting with all of the patient’s travel and expense needs. Patients like to share all of their news with the Colpitts team whatever it may be, they see us as part of the whole support network and enjoy updating us. We have had weather reports, vacation updates, family news, updates on pets’ health … all news is always warmly received and reciprocated.

The secret to a successful business is exceeding customer expectations. Colpitts Clinical exceed our patients’ expectations by understanding that each patient is individual, each request for assistance is different and that every patient has their own needs.

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