Celebrating International Clinical Trials Day on May 20th

Many people know that May is Health Awareness Month, but did you know that May 20 is a day designated specifically to celebrate the advancements made by clinical research professionals? Clinical Trials Day is celebrated on May 20 to mark the first clinical trial conducted by Scottish physician James Lind in 1774. According to ClinicalTrialsDay.org, “The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) each Clinical Trials Day helps raise clinical trial awareness and honors clinical research professionals by recognizing their contributions to public health and medical progress.”

At Colpitts Clinical, a Direct Travel company, we’re a small part of the clinical trial world, but we feel great pride in our role in advancing medical science. There are a multitude of factors that contribute to the success of a clinical trial, including streamlined processes and successful participant retention – sometimes over the course of several years. Herein lies our mission to turn logistical challenges into triumphs, and help the people and organizations that are continuously working toward treatments that will save lives and improve the quality of life for countless people around the world.

Whether it’s finding a temporary farmhand to tend to an Amish patient’s farm while they participate in a clinical trial, or getting creative with air transport in order to work around travel restrictions between various countries, we realize how taking the time and going the extra mile at Colpitts Clinical can have a lasting impact. And yes – those are real scenarios that we have accommodated! So this May 20, we would like to give our Clinical Travel Experts a pat on the back and say thank you to our clinical partners in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry for all the work they do.

And check out some of our Colpitts Clinical team members showing their support for Clinical Trials Day with their ACRP selfie signs!

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